My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the second book in this series and presents a wonderful mystery. One of the hardest things about this series to me is the main character’s name - Death, pronounced Deeth. But, once you get into the story, you know how to say the name and the oddness goes away a bit. There are plenty of wonderful things about this series, compared to others out there (and many that I enjoy). First, is the lack of antagonism from the local authorities with Death’s character - a wounded Warrior turned private investigator/bounty hunter and Wren, the auctioneer from the series title. Death is indeed a wounded warrior, which is the second refreshing thing about this mysteries. While I hate that he is wounded, it is true to the times we live in. Next is the closeness of the characters in this book, from Wren’s employers (it’s their auction company) to the police to other towns folk. Now, not all small towns may be like this, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if they were.
Next is the fact that Death learns to rely on Wren and not sell her short. He definitely considers an equal. He may not like his disability, but he’s not in denial about it either. He recognizes Wren’s strengths and adds those to his own. In this book, the support also comes from Death’s brother’s fire department and friends as he and Wren look in to the oddness of getting a badge that did not belong to Death’s brother, who died in a fire. The numbers on the badge don’t match. At first, it’s just a curiosity, but as they continue to look into it a mystery unfolds. I figured it out right about the same time the characters did, but that didn’t detract at all. In fact, it’s not a traditional mystery in the end, which makes it even better.
The final climatic scenes are among some of the best I have read, alternating between Wren and Death. Quite well done. The epilogue was also very satisfying. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I recommend reading these books in order as they do build upon each other. Recommended if you enjoy a good mystery with all likable people.
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