Well, future condo/rental home found. I house hunted last weekend. On Friday afternoon I looked at several rentals I had found online, with the help of a realtor. Only one really stood out. Good windows and very nice kitchen. I thought it was the one. But, I had time to think on Friday night. Couldn't get past the lack of storage. No outside storage at all. Two small balconies. I like it, but not enough to rush right out and sign the lease. Plus, a LOT of money upfront to move in and no window treatments.
A friend was kind enough to drive out and take a look at it and one other potential condo with me. We agreed that the one I liked was the best of the two. Still, I hesitated. So, we looked at the traditional apartments. Loved the access to a fitness center and the storage in the apartment. But, it felt like a cave. Good space, older trees, few windows. Also, TINY kitchen with much older appliances. I looked at a much newer complex. Very updated, but it didn't do a lot for me either. So, friend headed home and I drove back out to the one that stood out to get a feel for the drive. Since it had no access to fitness (I've found out that it did, the realtor just didn't know), I stopped at a local gym to get an idea of their monthly fees. Way too much for me. I also saw signs for an apartment complex that for some reason I felt I should go look at, but I didn't have time as I was due to meet my cousin for dinner. I'd purposely scheduled a late flight out on Sunday, so I still had time to think.
Dinner was great. I had Maryland Crabcakes for the first time and they were very good. At dinner I met my cousin's long time friend, who lives in Annapolis. She offered to go out with me Sunday morning to see what we could see. Oddly enough, she suggested the apartment complex I wanted to look at but didn't have time to. We thought they were closed, but they weren't. So, we looked. Judging by the floor plans I figured they'd be too small, but since we were there and they'd been newly renovated (it's an older complex; I figure built in the 60's, which does give it a bit of character). They have garden units and high-rise units, all with secure entry buildings. The garden unit was just a tad small. The leasing rep suggested we look at a unit in the high rise building. I didn't think I wanted to live in a high rise, but since I was there, I looked. Wow. The unit felt right. The picture shows a view of the living room from the front door. I will be on the 4th floor. And, yes, it has an elevator.
I've become a bit retrospective with this move. It's seems to be almost everything I didn't think I'd do or wanted, yet it all feels perfectly right. The apartment is a high rise and obviously much smaller than my house, but oddly, the layout is very similar and it feels roomy. It has a TINY kitchen though, something I swore I wouldn't do, and no laundry, another thing I thought I had to have. However, the laundry room is literally right next to my apartment. Plus, I line dry most of my clothes, so while I know I'll mourn the loss of my washer and dryer I think I'll be okay. (With these you can load money on a card, so you're not digging for change). It has good storage and a lovely balcony and awesome windows and light. I looked at townhomes and realized they are not suited to how I live. I'm one person and basically don't need/want a living space that is on three floors. This apartment is two bedroom, one bath. The one bath is actually very fine by me, but I will miss access from the master bedroom. Again, I'm one person and I think I can learn to deal with that.
It will be very different from what I'm used to. I used to to tease my Dad about his not wanting to change. Well, I realized last weekend that if I become too set in my ways someone could accuse me of the same thing. So, I'll embrace the new and move forward.
As for the house here, I think I'd just prefer to sell it. We'll see how that goes.
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