Sunday, April 13, 2008

In under the wire....

Well, today, I finally filed my income taxes - Federal and Arkansas. I seriously considered saving my money and filing the federal by mail, but finally filed it electronically. I did mail Arkansas. I do get a refund, a whole $4. I think it will cost them more money to process. I moved from there on Jan 3rd. All that work on my part and their part for a one week paycheck in 2007. Many states don't require you to file if you lived there less than a certain amount of time or earned less than certain amount. Louisiana isn't one of them and neither is Arkansas. Thing is, I would have let them keep the $4. It's really not worth the time and effort, on my part or theirs, but they require it, so I filed. My federal refund with the house this year is much better, so that's nice. I'm never sure why I want till the last minute to file, but I'm glad it's done.

The picture to the right is an Amaryllis (I think). I planted the bulb last year and got a bloom, though the stalk was no where near as tall. But, look at the bottom, there's another bloom! I didn't notice that till today when I was taking the picture. I'm looking forward to them opening up. I planted several bulbs last year and this was the only one to bloom. You're supposed to dig them up in the fall, so I'm told, but I didn't. Apparently, this one didn't mind. Course, we had a mild winter, too. And, one of the other bulbs, that didn't bloom last year has a bloom on it as well. Fun.
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brooke said...

Yay you! And what a gorgeous plant!

adlin said...

Thanks! Wait till you see the pictures of the actual blooms! They are huge. I hope to post this at least one this weekend.